Waves of Spam

Like you, my inboxes are always filled with spam. Oh, I take measures that I don’t have to deal with it – much – but sometimes unmistakable patterns emerge. Such as when the popular media talks about those Nigerian schemes and suddenly there’s an onslaught of those kinds of messages.

Lately it’s been colon cleansing. My favorite is the one that begins, in part, “the average American has 6-10 undigested meals resting in the colon.” Think about that for a second. 6-10 undigested meals. In the colon. Doesn’t that mean that you’re seriously ill? By the time the… material… has reached your colon, one would presume that the needed nutrients have already been absorbed by the digestion process.

I could go on for some time. Certain foods, for example, seem to defy digestion. But I’ll, er, pass.

Here, have another plate of spam. What’s your favorite flavor?

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One thought on “Waves of Spam”

  1. I am amazed at how many people actually fall for this.
    The Intestinal cleanse products can actually wipe out all beneficial bacteria in the gut.
    Our body can digest almost anything. If it doesnt…it just passes through.

    Talk to a pathologist about this…Its tital BS..
    If tou have a blockage…see a doctor!

    Spam spam spam…wonderful spam! (python)


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