
Here are some links to useful Eudora-related downloads and other resources.

Eudora Installer
This is the original distribution by Qualcomm., version It’s the latest version available, the one you should be running – older versions were ‘more buggier’™.

The zipfile includes documentation, release notes, and stuff like SMIME. It does NOT include any other patches which may be necessary to enable Eudora to run nicely in today’s world.

This software is from my personal collection and served from my personal Dropbox.

Original QCSSL Patch
This is the original one-byte QCSSL.dll patch made necessary for Eudora’s TLS/SSL users when Windows 7 came around.

A change to an internal Microsoft library caused Eudora’s first SSL mail check take a long, long time which usually resulted in a timeout. This patch fixes that delay.

The zipfile includes a patched QCSSL.dll file and a brief ReadMe.txt file with ultra-simple installation instructions.

This software is from my personal collection and served from my personal Dropbox.

The Hermes Installer
This is sole output (thus far) from the Hermes project, but it’s a powerhouse. It pretty much renders the QCSSL patch obsolete, fixes the ancient root certificate store, and makes Eudora compatible newer versions of SSL/TLS as more providers require TLS v1.2.

This executable is a regular Eudora v7.1.0.9 installer that’s patched to provide the necessary files as well as install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) that’s required.

For a fresh Eudora install first run the original installer, THEN run this one over the top of it. Tell the Hermes installer that it’s a NEW install. If you get an error at the end – it happens sometimes – just ignore it.

This software is served from the Hermes project area on SOURCEFORGE. The download begins automatically when you click.

Installing Hermes Manually
Many Eudora fans prefer a DIY approach to patches and that’s something that’s easily done. Installing the Hermes patch manually entails replacing four files in your Eudora program directory as well as installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) if you don’t already have it on your system. Of course, you’ll do that while Eudora is not running, and it’s always a good idea to back up any files you’re replacing.

The zipfile contains the four Hermes files plus the 32-bit version of the Microsoft library. I’m also providing a link to Microsoft for those that prefer to download the library directly from Microsoft. Just be sure to obtain and install the 32-bit version – even if you’re running 64-bit Windows – because Eudora’s a 32-bit application.

The zipfile is served from my personal Dropbox.

Here are the four Hermes files included in the zipfile along with their MD5 checksums:

  MD5: beda5c5fa31a7297ba966038f1725521
  MD5: 7e18390677c132da71ea92a8ce56e660
  MD5: 2e1c850a82a3c8c5e9592d242e3c8817
  MD5: c0974b8f1ae856433548452596a2e3b4

Here is the included Microsoft library included in the zipfile along with its MD5 checksum:

  MD5: 7f5d52f979b732954e87c53dc9720fc0

Spell Checking
This zipfile contains Eudora spell check files for the following lexicons: American, British, Deutsch, Dutch, Espanol, Finnish, Francais, Italiano, Portugue, and Swedish. Within the zipfile are some brief instructions on how to use them.

I can’t remember exactly how or from whom I got these files but thanks, whoever you are.

This zipfile is served from my personal Dropbox.

Their home page for the stunnel project says it best: “Stunnel is a proxy designed to add TLS encryption functionality to existing clients and servers without any changes in the programs’ code.”

One way of dealing with native Eudora’s certificate and encryption shortcomings is to completely sidestep them by using this proxy. This link takes you to the project home page.

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Rick Plavnicky
   Just more betterer